Tuesday, May 6, 2014

You might want a career in pottery if...........

Do you like to create with your hands?  Do you like to take a lump of earth and shape it and make it into something beautiful?  You just may want a career in pottery.

Do you like to be dirty?
Think about a being a potter!

Do you like to be cold and wet?
Ceramic potter as a career, may be for you.

Do you like to work on something for hours, with many steps along the way and while you are not looking, it breaks?
You might want a career in ceramics.

Do you like to talk to yourself?  Work alone? Work in PJ's? Barefoot?  Listen to your own music at your own decibel level?
Be a ceramic potter.

Do you like challenges?  Like how to dispose of water?  Or, how to get water in the winter?
Think pottery.

Do you want to get a good upper body workout, while you work?
As a ceramic potter, you can recycle your (failed) work by hand!
This saves the cost of gym membership.

Do you like to be dirty, wet and work in a sweltering environment, while your work  is heating up to 2000ยบ+ degrees and warping and cracking?
You got it- pottery!

Do you like to smell like a camp fire?  Have your clothes and hair giving off the wonderful smell of smoke?
You just may want to be a RAKU potter!

Would you like to set your own hours?  Go on a hike when you want?  Ride a bike when the wind and temperature are just right? Take a vacation now and then?
Ceramic pottery may be your next career.

Do you like to open presents and see something beautiful, unique and inspiring?  Do you like to hear the oohs and ahhhs when other people see your work?
You might just want to be a ceramic potter.

Do you like to figure out challenges on many levels?  Like what clay body, what shape, how to fire, glaze or no glaze.

Do you want to NEVER be bored? Do you want to dream about your work?  Do you want to find inspiration wherever you go?  Do you want to get up early and head to work?
Be a studio potter.

I love it.